Make a Decision


Make the decision you’re stuck on, with clarity and confidence.


This Coaching Package has a single purpose: To help you make a decision. It's your way to:

  • Get unstuck, free up bandwidth and move forward with momentum

  • Think through an important choice in a new, effective way

  • Know and like the reasons for whatever you decide

  • Feel confident in thoroughly addressing worries and “what if’s”

  • Get unbiased, professional guidance to really hear yourself clearly

We’ll use the Conscious Decision-Making System I’ve honed over 5+ years.

You’ll leave completely trusting your choice and ready to take action.

Should I finally write my book?

I need to organize my schedule!

How do I  move forward in my business?

You’re in the right place. Let’s get you decided.

From our clients...

In just two Coaching Sessions, you’ll:

  • Know where you stand on this decision

  • Work through fears like "what might go wrong" / "what if I regret this" / "what if Dillan gets spicy about it"

  • Clarify exactly what you'll do next, to take action & guarantee follow-through

from our clients...


“I was struggling back and forth, and couldn't really see beyond the fear and confusion around this decision. It felt very muddy and unclear, and none of the solutions I could think of felt very good either.”


“I feel SOOO much clearer! I really wanted to feel good about whatever decision I made, and that's exactly what happened. You have a way of helping sort through all the thoughts and emotions that can be swirling around, and create organization with them, plus also sharing much more helpful ways of thinking about myself and my circumstances.”

—Angie I.

Things happen quickly

when you make clear decisions.

This is for you if you’re stuck in option paralysis and keep spinning without getting clearer on what you want.

If you’re overwhelmed by "what ifs" and it's keeping you from taking any steps forward.

Or if you really just want to know you've made a thoughtful, self-honoring choice, without being pressured / guilt-tripped / biased-by-old-habits into something.

I'll help you organize your thoughts, figure out what you do and don't want, and decide consciously what you're going to do next. 

Normally, decisions like these require a few smaller steps between "Today" and "Decided" so we make space for that.

You'll leave the first session with specific questions to consider, data to gather & other action items, and we'll meet 1-2 weeks later to complete the process.

  • Pre-session questionnaire to provide context about the decision

  • Up to 2 hours of Private Coaching over Zoom over 2ish weeks

  • Session notes emailed to you

  • Email support between sessions as needed

What’s Included


  • >>Pre-session questionnaire to provide context about this decision

    >>2 hours of Private Coaching over Zoom, over the course of about 2 weeks

    >>Session notes emailed to you

    >>Email support between sessions as needed

  • The investment for The Make a Decision Mini-Package is $297.

  • These sessions are perfect for decisions like if / when / how you’re going to do something, where you stand on a confusing issue, how you’ll deal with other people, how to navigate a problem / challenge, or how to reconcile fears/doubts and feel confidently decisive.

  • This is a judgment-free Coaching Zone. My job is to help you hear yourself clearly and use your highest cognitive capacity to make the most aligned choice for you.

    I will never tell you what "I think you should do" because you are your highest authority, which I'll help you see and will actually be quite fun.

  • If you’ve been stuck a while or it feels super daunting, it’s very normal to fear indecision. Remember that by booking this session, you’re doing something different, which will create different results than in the past.

    That said, you should only book this session if you want to commit to deciding.

  • If there isn’t a clear choice you want to focus on first, longer-term Private Coaching may be a better fit. You can schedule a Free Consult here and we can discuss options in detail.

Send it!

Welcome to your first decision! Email to reach Kirsten directly, or fill out this form, and we’ll contact you within 24 hours.

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