Private Coaching

with Kirsten


Make confident decisions.
Based on what you want.
With ease.

If you’ve landed on a Decision Coaching website, you’re likely a growth-minded smartypants overachiever with super high standards. (Said with love, no judgment. Plus you know I’m right.)

You value efficiency. You love being productive. You succeed often (though you tend to focus on how you could've done better). 

But you're ready for the next chapter to look different.

Get ready...


  • Feeling perpetually "behind" and "not enough"

  • Not knowing what to prioritize (or when, or how)

  • Focusing on what other people will think about your choices

  • Wasting so much time and energy on every decision — big and small


  • Deciding what you authentically want and make choices accordingly

  • Feeling confident you're making the "right" decisions and commit to them fully

  • Freeing up headspace so you can be fully present in your work and off time


This is coaching for people who want to make a guarantee to themselves: 6 months from now, life will look and feel different. You'll feel intentional and clear in your decisions, move the needle on what matters, and get professional guidance and accountability to make it easy.

from our clients...

"This has completely rewired how I approach my life! I went from feeling like I had a million open tabs in my brain to some quality of order that works for me. I know it's grounded in science, but Kirsten makes it feel like magic. Slack was my home base. Every time I felt like I had a few too many open tabs, I looked at Slack and Kirsten jumps out of the app with incredible timely and very on point replies. . .it’s like having her in your pocket!"

—Serena F.

When you can hear yourself clearly, you can take fast, aligned action.

How it Works

This is how you move from your current norms and challenges to being joyfully, efficiently and unapologetically self-directed:


This Coaching is centered around you making powerful, authentic, self-honoring decisions. At the start of your program, I'll help you:

  • Clarify the goals you want to dedicate resources to right now (and why)

  • Clean up anything that feels like "competing priorities" 

  • Organize your unknowns and identify next steps towards answering the big questions

You won't hold back here. You'll get in touch with what you truly want: how you want to feel everyday, what you want to do and not do, and who you'll have to become to create that reality.


You're here because you don't want to do things "the way you've always done them." As you take one action at a time towards what you want, we'll proactively change old, ingrained patterns as they come up, such as: overthinking, over-pressuring yourself, ALL the self-judgment, people-pleasing, perfectioning, stress spiraling, second-guessing every choice, and putting yourself off for later.


You want to get where you're going and achieve all the things. YAY. But you also want to enjoy more of the journey. Coaching will help you have more of the day-to-day experience that you want, instead of "waiting until TBD undefined later date" to feel confident or content.  You'll develop skills of presence, self-celebration, and savoring positive moments.

And you'll get good at using science-based tools like self-compassion, stress regulation and boundaries to balance being present and making meaningful progress.

It doesn’t stop there

Hi, i’m Kirsten

Before becoming a Decision Coach, I used my Yale Master's Degree to fuel a 10-plus year career in Theater Stage Management. 

Making good, fast decisions was my day job — but it wasn't my forte in everyday life. As I got further down that career path, I got more uncertain about my choices. They were never as easy or straightforward as I knew they could be — and I got tired of not feeling in charge or self-directed enough, despite continued success!

So I switched gears and decided to make everyday decision-making my new Zone of Genius, for myself and for the oh-so-many high-achieving clients who had similar struggles. I specialize in helping people organize their thoughts, hear themselves clearly and take action on what they really want. If you want to feel great about your choices, I'm here to tell you: You deserve to, and it's totally possible.


Don't wait until you're 60 to "finally change things." You deserve this now. And it won't be as hard as spending the next decade or two settling for less!

Client Spotlight: Andy G.

The decision-making process has been simplified! Andy felt like he struggled with decisions his whole life: "There were so many different shiny objects and ideas that I'm interested in...I knew that was clogging the system. That I was making it harder on myself."

But within weeks of joining the DMP, he created an LLC, chose a logo, made a website and established a voiceover career! Coaching helped him prioritize himself and get out of "not knowing what to do or what to say yes/no to" and "focus on what matters rather than wasting energy on the in-between angst feeling."

— Andy Greene


  • This Coaching will help you if: 

    >>You want to feel more deliberate & clear-headed about your choices, big & small

    >>You're facing one/more big decisions & want to make 'em super thoughtfully & authentically

    >>You want to waste less time & energy overthinking, people-pleasing, perfectioning, second-guessing, catastrophizing, fearing people's opinions (etc)

  • When you hire me, you're hiring a Life Coach with an expertise in Conscious Decision-Making. So rather than just helping you achieve one particular goal, or overcome a specific challenge, I'll help you do those things AND change the foundational habits that create stress, friction and limitation in your daily life: People-pleasing, Perfectionism, Indecision, Second-Guessing, Impostor Thinking, Fear of People's Opinions...etc.

    You'll set yourself up to make big & small decisions with more ease, clarity and confidence for the rest of your life. 

  • We can work privately (1-on-1) or in a small group. 1:1 is best if you're in a place where the idea of showing up every week, on your schedule, to laser focus on yourself feels nourishing & energizing (even if you're also slightly nervous about it — totally normal). The Decision Masters Program is best if you're craving community & connection, and you like more structure (a Kick-Off Week with curated lessons, private and group sessions, and consistent conversations about tools & practices).

    If you're unsure what you want or what will be best for you, no worries! I'll let you know what sounds like the best fit when we talk on our consult

  • Yup. If you're here, it means you're aware of things you want, and you're ready to act on them. You know some habits you don't want to keep for the rest of your know some goals you want to be accountable know how you do and don't want to feel! And you know the fastest, easiest, most effective way to get there — whilst you continue living your very busy everyday life — is to invest in expert guidance. You know you're smart, self-aware and capable of change, and you want help in crafting that change in an organic yet intentional way. You are exactly the type of person who can have a Life Coach (and love having a Life Coach). 

  • The most powerful decision you can make right now is to book a consult. We'll spend up to an hour having a no-strings conversation to clarify exactly what you want, and find out if working together is the best way to get you there. You'll leave with a clear vision of who you want to be 3-6 months from now, what habits you want to commit to changing, and the next step you're going to take to make all of that a reality (whether that's hiring me or not). Click here to find a time that works for you!

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