Case Study: Megan

What were your 3 biggest challenges/blocks/issues before working with KP Coaching?

“I was feeling overwhelmed by the decisions that I needed to make, that seemed huge and so heavy, and it was about my job, my career and what I was doing with my life. And everything just felt stressful. I felt like I didn't have a good sense of what I really wanted. After talking to you the first time, I learned the word ‘self-trust.’ I didn't have self-trust, and I was going back and forth on these big decisions, and I just couldn't gain clarity on the way I wanted to go. And it was literally making me sick that I was so stressed out.”

What did your daily life look like before working with KP Coaching?

“I think in my daily life I recognize it all the time now, where I even, like you say, ‘celebrate’ a little bit, whenever I feel like I've processed something successfully. ‘It's so great - 

“I think the biggest driver of all of this is: If I'm not doing things and moving through life on a daily basis, and making decisions, and thinking about things that are going to make me happy—then what's the point? I have one life, I want to be happy, and I actually have the power to make that happen.

“Originally, I had this image in my mind that there was some sort of impenetrable wall that I should be able to develop, where people's actions and things outside of my control couldn't affect me as much as they did. I was feeling like I was falling short of being able to achieve that wall, and just feeling really unable to control the way that I was feeling. I was really influenced by the people around me, and how they were feeling, and how they were treating me, and how I felt like they should be treating me. And I was spiraling a lot, and for long periods of time after something would happen, where I would feel these strong emotions… like I think about an interaction with someone where I'm like, ‘Oh that kind of stung,’ but I don't let that sting stay for the whole day.”

Why did you choose KP Coaching? 

“One of the biggest things that I think your coaching has taught me is just that it's okay to feel the feelings. It doesn't mean that you're a weak person. You're human, you have feelings for a reason. 

“And also the forgiveness—I know why my brain is trying to protect me, and trying to go back and remember the experiences where things didn't work out, and tell me to be cautious. I definitely am getting way better at thinking about why the thoughts pop into my head that are the limiting thoughts. But understanding why your brain is doing that is important, so that you can actually talk through that and prove it wrong.

“I actually felt like I shouldn't hide anything from you, because there was no benefit to me in doing that. Yeah, I'd say that's like the final piece of the puzzle that I would want to share. I can't thank you enough for everything—coaching, but also the massive change you brought into my life.”

What does your daily life look like now after working with KP Coaching?

“I'm in the place where I finally feel like I have control over my life and my feelings and my emotions. I can just ‘feel the feels, and still be okay. I think that's the biggest difference... I allow myself to feel the emotion, then feel the ‘humaning,’ of things. I allow myself those feelings—I don't sit in them, and I don't spiral, and I don't make decisions that come out of those low points. 

“I give myself permission to feel those, and it's okay. And then I can keep moving on and use my mindset to actually go through what I really do want, instead of letting those feelings and emotions be the driver.”

Did you break through those challenges? What are the results?

“Decision-making is more fun now! I remember at first, it was hard to think about these decisions, not as this ‘big decision,’ where I had this potential to actually make the wrong decision and [worry that], ‘Oh my God, my life is going to be over.’ Instead, working through and actually starting to believe the thought, ‘No, it's just a series of small decisions. Which one is directly in front of me?’ I know I'm going to be able to make that decision. 

“And I also know … I have the self-trust now to know that even if there is a big decision, that's bigger than all these small ones, that needs to be made, and I've come upon that day to make that decision—I trust, now more than ever, in my ability to go through the decision. And if I don't like it, that's okay too, and I can change my mind. I can figure it out when the time comes.

“There's no use stressing over it before that's even a thing before it even comes to that. There are a lot of big things that are happening in my life this year, but it's not overwhelming at all. It is a series of small decisions that I make as I need to make them, and I gather data, and I am just making sure that I'm aware of all of my options for when those decisions need to happen. 

“I feel like before, I was waiting for life to happen for me. And I was playing the, woe-is-me card, asking myself, ‘Why hasn't this happened yet, why me, blah blah blah.’ That is not the case anymore. There are certain things I can't control, but I definitely know that I am going to do everything in my power to make what I want happen in my life, and I'm not going to sit around and wait for it to happen to me anymore.”

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